To determine a Payment Terminal as Faulty

Indications for a faulty terminal either due to keypad, network connectivity issues or when tampered

A terminal could be determined as faulty and would need to be replaced with another when you are experiencing 1 or more of these below issues

  1. The Number Pad / Touch screen is having usability issues
  2. Fallback to 4G (terminals with capability) has an issue
  3. The terminal screen is filled with a bright white light and no other actions are visible
  4. The terminal is consistently showing Tampered message

When you're encountering 1 or more of the above, please reach out to your concerned Business Development Manager / Account Manager or your respective POS Support unit and state the issues that are you facing with your terminal(s).

They'd then internally raise an appropriate quotation for the request with a mention of the fault and if it's covered under your warranty or not. Our Terminal facility team would then take over next steps of action.